“Venkman, don’t cross the streams…”
“Why, what happens if we cross the streams?”
Let’s find out…I finally jumped on the Twitter wagon. But this created a quandary for me. Everyone has multiple interests. For me, there is my day job of technology, business interests, entrepreneurial interests, and my passion of photography. Should I create two twitter accounts and keep these two streams separate? I decided that was too much work. So, I’ll be crossing the streams with my tweets. After all, both streams come from the same source…
You can find my recent tweets on the right hand side. I’m experimenting with TwitterFeed to automatically tweet my blog posts, both technology/business as well as photography. Technology and business blog postings will start with a latoga labs while photography blog postings will start with latoga photography.
Those who wish to follow can do so from my Twitter page or from my FriendFeed page (which includes my tweets, blog postings, and photography feeds).
So how did you manage this in the end? I’m intrigued, because I started a web design business, then an online project called WWDC, and now currently in my 4th year of medicine. I have a strong interest in the web and business as well as medicine and feel like I need to create 2 twitters …. it would be create if you could group your followers (a bit like how facebook allows you to group friends).
I am also “crossing”. I really don’t have enough hours in the day to do my regular job much less manage multiple social networks! Let me know if you have hints on how to work things out between your two streams. Perhaps this will be a follow up post?