VMworld is over, and my biggest concern was skirted…that Baby Mini-G (who was due just after Labor Day) wouldn’t arrive early while I was in San Francisco at VMworld. Skirted…but just. Matthew arrive the day after VMworld to both mine and my wife’s surprise. And after talking to the delivery nurse we’re glad we weren’t the subject of a local news segment for being in labor on Labor Day. In retrospect, we both were unmotivated to do anything on Thursday…almost like something was preparing us for the long day on Friday…
So, he’s the reason why there hasn’t been any post VMworld posts here on the blog…been focusing on settling into life as a new parent and an official member of the sandwich generation. Hopefully, once Matthew settles into a better sleep routine and I catch up on sleep there will be a bit more activity here…thought that may wait until I’m officially over my NPTO (New Parent Time-Off).
Greg, congratulations to both you and you wife, and welcome to the world Matthew!
P.S. Great pic, but I’d expect nothing less 😉
latoga Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 10:39 am
Thanks Andrew! Camera is definitely getting a work out… 🙂
Yeah! Congratulations. Now the lifelong journey begins. I hope you enjoy Matt as much I as do my kids. (I agree with Andrew… I would expect nothing less)
latoga Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 10:53 am
Thanks Bill. Defiantly enjoy Matt and I’m sure it will only increase with time (especially once he starts interacting with you…and all those future photo trips. 🙂 )
Congrats Greg! Matthew looks like the father =). He seems to be already thinking about his first visit to VMworld 2030. Get some rest and don’t worry about work, it will still be there when you come back from NPTO…
latoga Reply:
September 10th, 2010 at 11:07 am
That’s these thing everyone says, that he looks like Dad (much to Mom’s chagrin…). Work is in good hands till I return. 🙂
Congratulations Greg! Cute looking baby you have there.
Matthew is absolutely adorable!! Enjoy the little moments now, because they really go by fast!! Congrats to you and your wife!!