During last week’s vSphere launch event at VMware corporate headquarters in Palo Alto, a few VMware employees with a passion for photography were allowed full access to photograph the event. Employees, Guests, freedom of movement during the launch presentations…full access. I was one of those photographers. (Personally many thanks out to VMware Marketing to to allow us to do this!)
These photos are just a sampling of the full set from the vSphere launch that are available on my photography website. The event took place on in the VMware fitness facility with employees packing the open area between the buildings and on the stairs of nearby buildings.
There was a slight delay in getting these photos up online as I had some personal commitments right after the launch event (my sister was in town visiting…family comes first) followed by this week on the road visiting customers. There are a few more images that I will post later this week as well as a few videos that I shot during the launch (though the audio is not the best).
My favorite photo from the event is the front row of technology industry leaders who were present for the launch:
Left to right: Pat Gelsinger (Intel), Frank Hauck (EMC), Joe Tucci (EMC), Chad Sakac (EMC…guess he’s not just a virtualgeek but also a bit of a photo geek), Christopher Rence (FICO), Steve Harrod (VMware), John Chambers (Cisco), unknown, James Mouton (HP), Michael Dell (Dell).
(For those who are interested: I was using a Canon 5D mark II with a 70-200mm F2.8 L or 24-70mm F2.8 L lenses. For the pixel peepers: yes the original images are 21 megapixels and the videos were shot in full 1080p HD.)